L-2060GD (L-1060GD), Светодиод зеленый 70° d=1.8мм 10мКд 568нМ


L-2060GD (L-1060GD)


LED, 1.8MM, GREEN; LED Colour:Green; LED Mounting:Through Hole; LED Case Size:T-3/4 (1.8mm); Forward Current If:20mA; Forward Voltage:2.2V; Wavelength Typ:568nm; Luminous Intensity:20mcd; Viewing Angle:70°; Lens Shape:Round; Product Range:-; Automotive Qualification Standard:-; MSL:-; SVHC:No SVHC (15-Jan-2019); Bulb Size:T-3/4 (1.8mm); Current If Luminous Intensity:10mA; Dominant Wavelength:568nm; External Length / Height:3.1mm; Forward Current If Max:20mA; Forward Voltage VF Max:2.2V; LED / Lamp Size:1.8mm; LED Type:Standard; Lead Cross-section Depth:0.4mm; Lead Cross-section Width:0.4mm; Lead Spacing:2.54mm; Luminous Intensity @ If Max:20mcd; Luminous Intensity @ If Min:2mcd; No. of Pins:2Pins; Operating Temperature Max:85°C; Operating Temperature Min:-40°C; Operating Temperature Range:-40°C to +85°C; PIV Max:5V; Peak Forward Current:25mA; Peak Wavelength:565nm Светодиод, корпус 1.8MM, цвет GREEN, угол рассеивания (линза) 70DIFFUSED, яркость (мощность) 10MCD

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